Where I am
All right, the seminary is giving us a fall break, so I'm taking it. I'm in West Palm Beach, FL. And yes, I brought my homework, because there's always down time, even on beach vacations. I don't know how often I'll be online this week, but hopefully a lot, so I'm going to try to post pictures of my week when I get home, but for now it's serious bloggin time.
I can't believe you went to Flarda (southern pronunciation of Florida) and didn't stop by in Macon.
You're no longer welcome on my balcony... okay, you can still visit my balcony, but you can't come into the house.
nope. there's no battery charger thingy behind the coffee makers on the kitchen table or anywhere else that I can see...sorry
I found it Bradley, thanks. And I flew to "Flarda" scooter, and I only stopped in Atlanta for a layover. Sorry, I couldn't convince the pilot to swing by Macon.
You could have showed him some skin. Possibly some black-eyed side snoob.
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Sorry about that. Those two "comment deleted" messages are mine. For some reason my computer freaked out and sent the same message three times, so you had "black-eyed side snoob" posted thrice. Actually, that was kind of funny; I shouldn't have erased it. Damn.
well you've heard the saying...
"If you don't like where you are going, take the wheel."
I tried that on the City Bus once... didn't work out too well. lmao
I am assuming the same goes for airlines.
So what are you doing in FLORIDA and didn't tell you you were going!!!!!
I woulda come down there.
You are definately not on my Christmas list!!! (probably bec I don't have one yet) So now that you've told me you are in South Fla, bored enough to do classwork, and "there's always down time..." you better call.
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