Wednesday, September 21, 2005

When did we grow up?

Life really is like a passing vapor. We were kids just yesterday, sneaking notes to each other on the pews at church, or getting mad at those who were doing so because they weren't including us. I went to the wedding of some dear friends of mine this past summer, and there were two children there who just seemed oblivious to everything going on around them. How do you get back to that state of mind?

This picture was taken at Jiri and Cassey's wedding. I have seen several weddings this year, so you will inevitably see some more pictures from them. Jiri grew up in the Czek Republic and Cassey in the Southern part of the U.S. How weird that at one moment in time, Cassey was standing before God somewhere in Texas or Louisiana asking Him to save her, and Jiri at another point in time in a land far far away was asking God the same thing for himself, and their worlds connected in the "midwestern" U.S. last year. I had the privelege of being Jiri's friend as the two of them fell deeper in love and eventually got engaged, so I got to see the whole thing develop. Also, he helped me through one of the hardest heartbreaks of my life. Then I had the honor of being one of his groomsmen, and I got to go to Louisiana and meet Cassey's family, who are so easy to fall in love with. There's nothing like family.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwwww, that pic is cute...hmmm, does someone want to get married? Haha, jk. I know exactly what you mean, when my best friend jen told me she was engaged I started CRYING! (And they weren't tears of joy for her) How ridiculous is that? Peace,

Wed Sep 21, 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the pictures you chose to symbolize the passing of time. Jiri and I look like grown up Dylan and Caroline (except I hope they don't marry each other, since they are cousins!!!!). Thanks for your kind words!

you rock.

Wed Sep 21, 10:28:00 PM  

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